In Fairfield County alone…
According to the most recent Fairfield County, Connecticut demographics data available from the United States Census Bureau released in the American Community Survey in December of 2020, 28% or over 2,500 of the births in Fairfield County are to unmarried mothers alone. Of those, 37.8 % are below the poverty level. Moreover, children in Fairfield County are more than three times as likely to live with a single mother than a single father.
Furthermore, over 110 women are receiving homelessness/housing services who are pregnant or parenting between the ages of 18-24 (30% of total homeless), and “211” reports that approximately 80% of women who request housing are placed on a waiting list.
We are on a mission to change this.
Here is how.
Malta House is one of a few transitional living programs in the state of Connecticut where a mom can stay with her baby for long-term support and a "hand-up" as she journeys to independence and hope.
We need your help…
Since opening our doors in 1998, we have welcomed over 800 mothers and babies to our home.
But we’re not done yet. We need your help.
A young mother comes to us when she is most vulnerable – unhoused, pregnant and lacking support and a positive environment.
Your support means a frightened young mother will have the help she needs to choose life for her unborn, who will come into the world in a loving, safe, nurturing environment.
Your support means a mother can gain financial independence, further her education, gain employment, and develop healthy parenting skills. If the mother thrives, so does her child. Our community becomes stronger when its members are stronger.
Your support means giving hope.
Hope for Life.